For $100 I can apply and cross my fingers (they don't deposit the check till I get accepted). This one seems less intimidating to me then Renegade, but still exciting! What do I get my booth to look like? So many things to do!
I haven't even gotten in yet and the ideas are flowing! Do I sell cupcakes too? Does food get people to the booth, and then the Wunzees do the talking? Is that even legal? :P I gotta figure out all the rules and such, and come up with a cute display. Marketing materials, tags for the items, etc! So much to think about. It makes me happy to have to plan.
Running list of things to do:
1. Apply!
2. Figure out display details.
3. Determine which designs to reproduce for the show.
4. Sew, sew, sew!
5. Buy "The Little Goat" tags for the items.
6. Recruit help.
7. Figure out credit card logistics.
8. Think of things I'm missing.
I'm sure this list needs to expand, but I'm so pumped to start planning! Will you come?
5008 Telegraph, Oakland
I'm going to send the application today. Cross your fingers for me!
Craft Fair?
As in, close to Bakesale Betty's????
Im there....
To you of course.
Take some photos of little one's wearing your onsies like the one in your blog, to post around in the booth. They look even cuter on!